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Program 及工作內容介紹】:

1.熟悉GTO 所有部門的組織架構、各單位作業流程、職掌、及業務等項目。To familiarize him/herself for different functions in GTO, no matter from structure, organization, workflow, process and etc.

2.主動發掘機會及找出解決方案以促進業務成長及流程改善。To be able to identify opportunities for growth and improvement, as well as to find solutions proactively.

3.於專案進行中,進行與各單位之溝通協調工作,以協助專案與工作事項之完成。To communicate with different parties in projects/tasks delivery, and act as coordinators in different levels.

4.負責提案準備及撰寫,以利專案提案與進度/結果溝通。To compose the proposals or business letters by instructions.

5.能獨立完成交代之任務、或與他人合作完成任務。To deliver the tasks or assignments independently or co-work with others.

6.儲備幹部將歷經至少18個月的訓練計畫及4-6個不同的輪調職務,輪調地點包含: 台北、桃園、新竹.  需能接受輪調時工作地點的安排。Those MTs are required to rotate within GTO different functions and mobilize wherever and whenever needed. The program will last for 1.5 years with 4-6 assignments being arranged for each MT who may rotate work in Taipei, Taoyuan and Hsinchu.




1. 大學以上,主修商管、財金或理工科系為佳。University graduated & above, major preferably in Business, Finance, or Technology (EE, MS, MIS) 2. 大學以上具2 5 年金融相關產業工作經驗者佳;研究所以上具3年以下金融相關產業工作經驗者佳。Undergraduates with 2-5 years financial industry experience, or graduate with equaling to or less than 3 years financial industry experience.

3. 需具備TOEIC 650分或全民英檢中級。Must acquire TOEIC score of 650 and higher or General English Proficiency Test middle rank.

4. 需具良好團隊合作能力,並擅長溝通。Good team player and also good in communication.

5. 需熟悉Microsoft Office 相關軟體操作(例:Excel, Word, PowerPoint) 及基本分析能力。Familiar with Microsoft Office applications (e.g. Excel, Word, PowerPoint) and basic analytic skills.

6.需要能接受不同工作地點的調動。Must be mobile to rotate among different work locations.



【申請程序】: 請將履歷投遞至 


【申請截止日期】: 20115月底止


【筆試日期】: 預計2011年六月初 (只有符合條件者會收到筆試考試之通知)
